

你从中风中活了下来. 你在医院待了几天,开始康复. And now, you’re back home – and you’re not quite sure what to expect. 

中风是改变人生的大事. It occurs when there is sud­den bleed­ing in your brain or there’s a block­age of blood flow to your brain. It is a med­ical emer­gency that can lead to long-term dis­abil­i­ty or per­ma­nent brain dam­age and can even be life-threat­en­ing, so it’s nat­ur­al to be con­fused and over­whelmed after sur­viv­ing a stroke when you think about what’s ahead. 

There are many dif­fer­ent ways in which a stroke may affect you, 没有两笔是完全相同的. 然而,有一些影响是常见的. Here are some ways in which a stroke may affect you and which types of providers can help you work through the chal­lenges and changes.

The Extent of Dam­age and Loca­tion of the Stroke Make a Difference

The effects of a stroke depend on how much brain tis­sue is dam­aged and where in the brain the stroke occurs.

的狂轰滥炸, a stroke in the brain­stem (the base of the brain that con­trols func­tions like heart­beat and blood pres­sure) can result in heart func­tion or breath­ing prob­lems. 大脑后部的中风, where the occip­i­tal lobe (the lobe that con­trols vision) is housed, 可能会导致视力问题.


Two of the main phys­i­cal com­pli­ca­tions of a stroke are weak­ness or paral­y­sis on one side of the body and spasticity:

  • Paral­y­sis (inabil­i­ty to move) and weak­ness occur on the side of your body oppo­site the side of the brain where the stroke occurred.
  • Spas­tic­i­ty is when a mus­cle invol­un­tar­i­ly con­tracts (flex­es or short­ens) when you move, caus­ing the mus­cle to become stiff or and mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to stretch.

In addi­tion, a stroke can lead to phys­i­cal effects such as fatigue, pain, and seizures.

如果你在中风后出现这些症状, 一个叫治疗师的医生可以成为你最好的朋友. Your phys­i­cal ther­a­pist can lead you in exer­cis­es to relearn move­ment and coor­di­na­tion skills and get you back on your 脚. 如果中风已经改变了你的行动能力, your ther­a­pist can also help you learn how to best use mobil­i­ty devices like canes and walk­ers or fit you with an ankle brace to help sta­bi­lize and strength­en your ankle.

如果你中风后需要进行身体锻炼, sched­ule an appoint­ment with a South Bend Clin­ic phys­i­cal therapist.


你的身体依赖于精细的运动技能——微小的动作, 你用手做出的精确动作, fin-gers, 脚, 还有脚趾——用来完成日常任务, 从吃饭到读书再到穿衣. There are sev­er­al fac­tors that affect your abil­i­ty to use fine motor skills, 比如意识和计划, 肌肉的力量, 和协调.

中风会引起这些因素的问题, impair­ing your fine motor skills and mak­ing it chal­leng­ing to do activ­i­ties that you’re used to doing with­out giv­ing them a sec­ond thought.

Work­ing with an occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­pist is key for regain­ing fine motor skills or 知识 to adapt if there is per­ma­nent dam­age. They can help you become more inde­pen­dent after a stroke by help­ing you relearn activ­i­ties of dai­ly liv­ing (ADLs).

Basic ADLs are skills you need to man­age your essen­tial phys­i­cal needs, such as:

  • 个人卫生,比如洗澡和刷牙
  • Get-ting穿着
  • Feed-ing自己
  • Walk-ing独立
  • 控制膀胱和弓功能
  • 上厕所

Your occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­pist can also help with instru­men­tal ADLs, which involve more com­plex think­ing and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills. These are the skills you use to live inde­pen­dent­ly in your com­mu­ni­ty, 比如管理财务, cook-ing, clean-ing, 当时, shop-ping, 和工作. 

Strokes Can Also Change How You Think or Com­mu­ni­cate With Others

认知障碍(困难思考), 知识, 存放在促进, remem-ber-ing, or using your judg­ment) and prob­lems with com­mu­ni­ca­tion are both com­mon after a stroke.

这些挑战可能是一种挫折, but it’s impor­tant to remem­ber that these prob­lems affect cer­tain skills, 但它们不会让你失去任何智力. 你的智力自从中风后就没变过.

Speech-lan­guage spe­cial­ists and occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­pists can help you man­age these prob­lems and regain the skills you’ve lost. 


If a stroke has affect­ed your vision, you’re in good com­pa­ny. 视力问题影响了大约65%的中风幸存者. 中风并不会导致完全失明. 例如, it can cause a loss in a por­tion of the visu­al field (the area you see in front of you).

好消息是, 虽然你可能无法完全恢复视力, there are sev­er­al treat­ments to help you com­pen­sate for vision loss. 眼科医生, 比如验光师或眼科医生, or a neu­rol­o­gist can work with you on ther­a­pies like scan­ning (train­ing your eyes to scan away from areas of vision loss) or adding prisms to your eyeglasses. 

Your Feel­ings and Per­son­al­i­ty Might Be Dif­fer­ent From What You’re Used To

From depres­sion to anx­i­ety to sud­den mood swings to becom­ing eas­i­ly annoyed, 众所周知,中风会影响情绪和人格. 有几个原因可以解释为什么会发生这种情况.

It may be because the stroke affect­ed the parts of your brain that con­trol mood, per-son-al-i-ty, 以及你与他人互动的能力. It may be due to the stress and the emo­tion­al toll of a stroke and its after­math. 也可能是两者的结合.

Regard­less of what is caus­ing changes in how you feel or behave, a behav­ioral health spe­cial­ist like a ther­a­pist or psy­chol­o­gist can help you keep your men­tal health intact after a stroke.

中风后,每个人都有不同的经历, and some peo­ple have life­long effects while oth­ers ful­ly recov­er. 没有 惯用的“成果. But there is one thing that is for sure; with the right team of providers who focus on your indi­vid­ual needs, 你不需要独自度过恢复期. 


  • 我喜欢帮助病人保持健康. I also enjoy working them to maximize their physical and mental health.

  • I believe that our bodies are designed to thrive in the correct environment. 如果我们吃得好, 锻炼, 与家人和社区建立健康的关系, 有意义的工作, 我们将有最好的机会保持健康. As much as possible, I encourage my patients to pursue non-medical treatments for their problems.